Helping you LEAD the way…
We believe that culture is a reflection of the collective character within the organization. That’s why our approach to cultural development always begins with individual leadership development–the intentional shaping of a leader’s heart. And, since leadership dynamics factor into virtually every operational aspect of the organization, we engage leaders in a systematic approach to development that’s integrated into their normal day-to-day activities. Our approach puts theory into practice–from day one!
Finding the heart of leadership
Leadership, in its most basic form, is influence flowing from words, attitudes, and behaviors. These words, attitudes, and behaviors flow from and through character–the heart of who we really are.
With this in mind, we first seek to help each individual gain an accurate understanding of his/her character. Next, we help leaders clarify and articulate the right character attributes (core values) for their team. This process helps each individual better understand what is required to become fully aligned with the desired character (culture) of the organization.
This is what finding the heart of leadership is all about: helping you and your team gain a deeper understanding of who you are and why you really do what you do. Ultimately, finding the heart of leadership is about helping you live and lead from the foundation of true purpose as individuals in alignment with the heart of your team.

Creating a Culture of Leadership Excellence
The Need to Lead Process
The heart of your leadership
The process of understanding individually and organizationally who we are, why we do what we do and why we are here: our purpose.
The heart of your leadership
The process of defining, clarifying, & articulating the key aspects of what effective leadership means on our team (values, goals, purpose).
The words with actions
The process of internalizing, modeling communicating and becoming fully accountable to the culture.
The process
The process of continuous assessment and improvement initiatives.
Interested in bringing KTG in to transform your culture?